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Why Colorado Firearm Academy


Mission - Give students the confidence to face any situation with any firearm available to them    


Approach - At Colorado Firearm Academy we are dedicated to the holistic approach to firearm training. We offer no-nonsense firearm training that recognizes prior experiences and meets you where you are to best accomplish your goals for the course.  Our goal is to give you the confidence to face any situation with any firearm available to you.  


Value -  Colorado Firearm Academy offers the best value in the state! All of our firearm courses include free range time at our private range and most are conducted solely on the range. In our courses you won't sit in a classroom and listen to theory or war stories, you will be on the range learning how to use your firearm. 


     All of our firearm courses are offered at one low price. We don't believe the price of the course indicates its value.  We offer a Tactical First Aid add-on course to almost all of our courses so students can get training to react to situations with more tools than just a firearm.


     For No Additional fee, we will also certify our Defensive Pistol I students for their Utah Non-Resident Concealed Firearm Permit. The Utah Non-Res Permit is widely considered to be the best non-res permit Colorado residents can get.   


     In our courses, you will do things that aren't available at other courses. We adapt training from Law Enforcement, Military,  and Federal Air Marshals to give you real-world training that you can use in real life should a situation arise.  In some of our courses, you will shoot at distances that just aren't practical at other ranges.


Small Class Sizes - All of our courses are small public courses or privately arranged for a small group of family and friends.  We are not looking to fill classrooms and line our pockets, like other instructors or courses in Denver.  We are dedicated and passionate about training you to be able to defend yourself, your family, and others with confidence in any situation.


Location and Range -  We own our own private outdoor range so there will be no added distractions, and we can go at your own pace with no time constraints. Our private range is conveniently located in Dacono, Colorado (80514)  with easy access from I-25.  Just 20 minutes north of Denver serving the Denver Metro and Northern Colorado Areas.  With our range being private, we do not post our address, all paid students will receive an address and detailed directions.    



All of our instructors have completed hundreds of hours of training and are credentialed in multiple facets surrounding firearms.  Our instructors are continual students and continue to get training on a yearly basis to best develop our courses to meet and exceed best practices and real-world scenarios.

Jason Gray

Jason Gray, Owner | Lead Instructor


  • NRA Certified Pistol Instructor

  • NRA Certified Rifle Instructor

  • NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor

  • NRA Certified CCW Instructor

  • NRA Cheif Range Safety Officer

  • Utah BCI Concealed Firearm Instructor

  • USCCA Firearm Instructor

  • CO P.O.S.T. Qualified (Non-Leo)

  • Law of Self Defense Instructor Member

  • NRA Patriot Life Member - Benefactor Level

  • USCCA Elite Membership

  • GOA Patriot Life Member

  • RMGO Life Member


In addition to NRA/USCCA/Utah BCI Credentials, Jason has completed training encompassing Active Shooter/Threat, Combat Casualty Care, Room Entry/Room Clearing, Inside/Outside of the Home Defense, First Aid, Stop the Bleed, Personal/Executive Protection, Verbal Judo, and many others courses. 



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colorado firearm training



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©2019-2024 by Colorado Firearm Academy. A Division of Train Colorado, LLC.


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